We walk through life so fixated on the next thing, the problem to solve, what's happening next week, month, or year - That  we truly don't realise we are EXISTING not LIVING. 

We don’t see we’re not even stopping to “not just smell the roses” but to “see the roses and be present in the moment. 

How many times have you done this to only have something stop you in your tracks and you wished you “ spent more time with a person”, was present more with your pet, really listened to somebody to understand what they are telling you.  

But then that thing has passed you by, and the moments gone.  

We sit and wonder if we can get it back, or have it come around again because we realise we didn’t pay attention, listen, or spend enough time being present. And what is “enough” - how much is “enough” -  It should be all the time. Being present with them all the time.

Life will continue with always another day to - clean, cook, work, eat, sleep, cut the lawn, go to work, school, scroll endlessly on our phones, stare until we are googly-eyed on our laptops, day in and day out, gossip, fight, argue, bitch, whine, winge, complain.  Chores, chores chores, to keep us busy. It’s finished off with TV, streaming platforms, news, drama, junk food, and the list goes on.  

But how many moments in that day do we actually take to be present? 

Because when we are present, is when we learn the most. 

Because when we are present is when we connect the deepest

Because when we are present is when we breathe correctly

Because when we are present is when we see and become a higher consciousness

Because when we are present we can solve problems much easier from this higher consciousness. 

Because when we are present our ego is not trying to control outcomes being activating our fears

Because when we are present is when we honor ourselves, nurture ourselves, respect ourselves. 

When we are present we can actually see things more clearly, receive answers and information from our higher self, and choose the easier path of one's soul. 

Because when we are present we don’t miss out on that precious time with someone or something.

Because when you're not fixated on external stuff, you can feel, be calm, slow down, get out of your ego and mind, and stop listening to what they are saying.

Stop being in the past or future. 

When you can be present in that moment with yourself or someone else, human or pet, you’re not missing magical moments. 

Magical moments will come and pass by without us seeing them, they pass by because we are too busy being busy.

Magical moments that we can’t ever get back. 

Today I sat in sadness over my darling little man Charlie ( our family Maltese dog I rescued 13 years ago) who suddenly left us yesterday - Monday 23rd October, at 10.12am to walk over the rainbow bridge.

He took his last little breath and said goodbye all, until we meet again. And while today I was sifting through old photos of him on my computer from the day he joined our family in 2010 - I reflected on how much fun, joy, and time we had over those 13 years. The adventures, moving around, what he was like, and how much we did together. 

And although it was a lot, which I smiled with such gratitude that we got those magical moments, I realised he taught me so much. 

If I was too caught up in work or the busyness of the day, he would bark and look at me as if to say, that’s enough, look I'm here. Be present.  If I was talking to someone on the phone too long he would come up to me and bark, reminding me, thats enough. If I was on my phone to much he would look up from the bed and just give me a glare, then put his head back down. He would sit with me to meditate, do yoga, walk on the grass, go into nature, the beach, all different places and he would even look deeply into my eyes when id start to channel and speak light language while I was connecting. Like he knew what I was communicating. He was a beautiful advanced soul. Here to help me on my way, help show me when I should be more present and working from my soul. I have no doubt about that. 

Sometimes because he was so small  it was easy to overlook him at times but his bark would make me sit up and take notice. 

I look back and see there were moments I should have been more present with him, played extra with him, took notice, picked him up more ( although he did get lots of cuddles and kisses) however, you can never have too many of them - LOL. 

But seriously, what I'm trying to say is, no matter what it is in our day. We, none of us, STOP ENOUGH to view the roses, be in that moment, and LOVE, FEEL, CONNECT, CALM ourselves, to just slow down and be there.  

Because more than often we won't get that chance again. 

Life for animals is simple, and we can learn a lot from them. The first one is the incredible amount of “Unconditional Love” they ooze outward to those around them. Completely ooze out like nothing else. My little Charlie was a rescue dog, he was so friendly and he told me how grateful he was every day through his love for me and our family. Anyone who was around he loved on. Even if you were just passing through. 

He taught me to be a better person. 

So please re-evaluate your day-to-day life and ask yourself “Are you REALLY being as present as you can “in every moment? Or is your ego mind running, from what's fully present and with you (at that time) to travel the road ahead towards your to-do list that’s far longer than any hours you have in your day. 


In the grand scheme of things, is Social media, scrolling, and online shopping really worth your time? Every second counts, it’s TIME we TRULY MAKE THE MOST OF IT! 


Life passes you by, as cliche as that sounds, but it's very true, it's so very true!  Therefore, it’s  time for us to STOP and ask ourselves - how do we truly want to live each day, each week, those years of our LIFE - our life on earth.


K xx

In honor or my beautiful little man, heres the link to our book (listed on my home page) if you would like to read more about him and our adventures.


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