(But I still cook, clean, write and roast sweet potato…….)
How long did it take me to know this…. well quite a long time… but that’s because I wasn’t really asking, nor was I awake. Once we awaken and start our spiritual journey back to our true self, not just from a physical human standpoint -- Which is the first process, removing all the programming, fear and controlled patterns to re-learn who we really are. The UNdoing happens before the DOing…. However, once we have mastered this “to a point” we will really start to not only learn or understand who we are, but BELIEVE it, believe in ourselves and we will go deep within our soul and feel it. For me, I was privy to this information quite early on in my journey but did I want to listen, or more to the point did I believe I was. “No” because at that point my worthiness was still hitting around 1-2 on my “worthiness meter”. Yep, that’s right…. so when we “lack worthiness” we don’t believe anything worthy of ourselves, let alone believing we could actually be this incredible being of light.
For me it was a little more believable I had these gifts as I “from a very young child” always remembered where I came from, so when I was told through psychic readers and healers I did believe somewhere deep down in my heart, but of course my ego was saying “ as if - yeah right” – along with other people saying to me “ as if - yeah right” and we tend to get sucked into that “old” conditioning of listening to others and not our own souls….and so I didn’t really allow myself to think about it.
Because of this it meant I didn’t allow myself to be the amazing soul I was, and had journeyed here to be. I didn’t own who I was as a soul. Because of this it pulled me back off my path, perhaps I wasn’t even on it quite yet, but in any case, it kept me from moving forward and further intigrating who I am and here to be. To shine my light fully and not just a dim light occasionally in the distance.
Stepping into our soul and owing exactly who we are means we activate our full potential as a soul, our love and our light. So we become the lighthouses for others, blasting out our light on the top of the hill where people can find them, can gravitate for help and assistance but most of all if we are here to be leaders to the unawaken, we become pockets of wisdom shining our light and helping raise the level of frequency on the planet, by people waking up and raising their vibration.
When we resist our true soul being, our light, our greatness and wisdom, when we feed too much into our ego about why this is not possible or that, or maybe fear what others say, (like me) we dull our light (or our ego dulls it for us) and instead of being the lighthouse, we become ones in the boat looking for the other lighthouses.
Advanced souls are all around this planet in areas to help others, help them find their light too, but if we don’t step up and in our truth than others miss out. Their awakening process and growth can also be delayed. We all come into this world with a divine contract/ divine blueprint and this is our mission, purpose, path, whatever you want to call it - on earth. The longer we take to awaken to this, find it, and follow our higher self, spirit and universal guidance, the longer it takes for others as well, and for humanity to rise.
So I guess what I’m trying to say here without typing a bunch of other sentences for you to have to read is - You get what I’m saying, don’t be afraid to step up, own it, your owing your soul, your own power, your worth, you acceptance and receivership of the cosmic divine being of light you are. It doesn’t matter if you are an advanced soul, twin flame/soul ascended master , starseed, light worker, gatekeeper, gridworker, wayshower, any of that, every human being on the planet is a magnificent being of light, and when not on earth we travel in a much higher plane of existence in the spiritual realms. We are not humans with a soul we are a soul in a human body.
By activating who you truly are, we create heaven on earth, no fear, hatred, judgement (and the list goes on quite frankly) … We create love together, peace, harmony, joy and balance, and we live from that place.
The longer we wait to fully transform ourselves and accept who we truly are in our physical body, the longer we remain out of alignment and life doesn’t flow, the longer we are stuck in the old paradigm and way of living, feeling unfulfilled, lonely, sad, depressed, empty, unsure, in fear, lack of abundance, insecure, and once again the list goes on that we use external sources and people to fill our voids, fill up our cups instead of looking inside, learning to love ourselves with “self-love” being the key to our ascension and love.
New earth is upon us now – (that’s for another post )- but it’s time for us to move on up to a higher vibrational frequency of 5D and above. So I guess its well time for all of us to start and OWN who we are as a SOUL and live from that place.
For my help in discovering who you are as a soul and your purpose, please view my downloadable course “Raise to Your Divine Self” on my website. This is my creation of all I found that’s needed, the keys and tools, to transform your life in all the areas of Self-Love, Energy and Cosmic Awareness. Tapping into your higher awareness, soul guidance, learning exactly who you are and being able to access the higher realms by staying connected in every moment. (not just when we meditate or are alone) …..So you can truly shine your light like the beautiful beacon of light you are, create and live that heaven on earth every day.
So much love and peace
Kellie Lee