Being yourself and what you came here to do is the most magical gift you can bring to yourself and this planet.
No matter what you’re here in what capacity or role, what you want to call yourself or label yourself, it’s about stepping into that and bringing it.
So it doesn’t matter if you are here to be a healer , shaman, psychic, medium, twin flame, gatekeeper, grid worker, light worker, whatever type of light worker you are, it doesn’t matter what you call yourself, what matters is that you bring it.
For example - I’m here on the twin flame journey with my beautiful beloved and this path is the biggest honor, the most extreme honor on this planet for us to have this role and do this gig, and it doesn’t matter who listens to you about it, what they say, if people are validating or believing it, because it’s about what you are here to show and change through your love, energy and union. We are leaders and leaders lead, so usually you will be the one teaching others. Your light/illumination with show them and your vibration raise them, and then they will be thanking you.
So, if you’re a twin flame that’s why I’m sharing this, it’s about how you show up for it. We are here to bring, all twins are, to bring forth a greater love along with ourselves to this earth to help humanity in ways others couldn’t even fathom. People yet hardly even understand anything about the old and new love paradigm, old 3D earth and new 5D earth, most don’t even understand earth has risen in vibrational frequency and is vibrating already at a higher 5th dimensional frequency, but yet they are questioning what’s happening to the world and people in it. Why we have so many suiciding, leaving to go back home, depressed, addicts and in such pain and trauma. People often don’t listen until they are ready; however, it’s our path to raise the consciousness through unconditional love and awareness to help them to rise above.
What we are here to do in bringing it and showing it. Stepping up and owning it.
So it’s just about bringing that, not what we label it, it’s about being it and stepping into that. Who we are as a soul, divine light being and leader on this planet. ( No matter what type of light warrior you are)
So when you get caught up in what do I market myself as or call myself, it doesn’t matter, as long as your speaking and being your true self in your soul role you signed up for, for what you’re here for this time. Bring your true self with that. That’s the most important thing, not the labels, BEing that love and shining your light through that love for yourself and others.
Rising above all else and being who you truly are as a soul, doing the inner work to push through and step into your sovereignty is the upmost important and it doesn’t have to be so serious and hard along the way. It’s the most beautiful sacred path. I’m not going to say it’s been easy along the way, but it’s an honor.
We should be in honor of ourselves and our beloved, our divine blueprint we chose, our sacred path, because we wouldn’t have chosen anything we couldn’t do. Our soul knew we could achieve this as most of us are ancient souls and enlightened masters.
It’s just so sacred, such a sacred honor. And to be in such gratitude that there is no one else on this planet that helps you grow and evolve like your twin, your beloved does. Helps you grow and connect back to your true authentic self, connect with the soul you are and your higher consciousness, remembering along the way. Reflecting that mirror helping you push through all the old worn out patterns and cycles, karmic embedded conditioning and clearing those ancestry lines, no one else can bring you to this sacred place of unconditional love for you and them and into your sovereignty like they can. For anyone else we would simply “give up”.
Your soul is working together all the time. Because you are them and they you, you are of the same spirit /soul in two physical bodies sharing the same energetic field and the negative and positive.
Remember this beautiful souls
Much Love to all