The Power Of Synchronicities, Song & George Michael


Picture this - I’m doing leg work and stomach crunches to the B52’s Love Shack this morning, fully in the work-out zone ( well, for me its never really fully, because honestly, I don’t enjoy working out, id much prefer to work out in other ways) but in any case, I try to make it fun by adding some weird and funky dance movements to make me laugh.  The next song came on -  I was guided to jump up, open my MacBook, and sit down to write.

I looked up at the top right corner to reveal 11.11 am - Melbourne, Australia time. I thought wow okay...... Seconds before these actions, and the reason I did jump and start to write was because intel came streaming through from my higher self like fast visual images on a screen of what to talk about here. And so I'm now sharing.

The Song -  is from 1987 and sent to me yesterday by my cousin (who I see as my sister- because I love her and I’ve always wanted one). I'd forgotten all about this song. Even with having gone over so many 1980’s songs these past 6 months, I didn't come across it.  I've been connecting back with who I am, even deeper loving my true self unconditionally. Music has always fed my soul and 1980's music being my era i'm so connected to. Yet, I'd not come across The Power Of Love - in all my 80’s songs searching.

This song by Jennifer Rush released in 1984, I remember was one of the most powerful SOUL BLOWING songs that ever hit the radio. I suppose other artists thought so too because they re-released it.

Celine Dion

Air Supply

Huey Lewis & The News

Frankie Goes To Hollywood

Engelbert Humperdinck

Andrea Bocelli (one of my all-time favourites)...Just to name a few.

But none of them in my opinion could do it as powerful as Jennifer. Even with Andrea singing it, no-one did it like the original Jennifer Rush. There is something about that original version that just soars above.

Anyway, back to the story. As my cousin sent it to me she said: "I was up at 4 am outside (she loves watching the night sky, the stars) she said "I had my radio on and they played this song, I instantly heard this is for Kell and Dan the Man, it reminded me so much of you two and I knew I had to send it to you."  She’s in the earlier stages of connecting to her higher spiritual guidance and intuition and I knew she was guided to send it to me. I thanked her so much for listening and sending it. 

I remember loving this song way back, so I clicked to hear it.  The song had barely started and already I had full body goosebumps that didn't leave me, they lasted for minutes - I can’t say that’s ever happened to me before.

This song is not only beautiful but so powerful.

As I listened again and again, I realised in Flying Without Wings, at the end of our book, I mention about The Power of Love, and actually saying this book was showing everyone about The Power of Love, - and whats this song called. The Power of Love.

Synchronicities come together like magic and even though I rarely watch YouTube videos anymore, last week spirit guided me to watch one by Amanda Ellis - channelling George Michael. (She is a beautiful natural authentic soul from the UK and channels the Heart Squad)

George wanted to talk about LOVE - I highly recommend this video to anyone, especially those wishing to open their heart further. 

The funny thing about this too is last week George Michael’s songs kept popping up in my Spotify playlist while working out ( yeah that work out thing again lol) but I actually don't have any George Michael in my playlist, not sure why because I love George, but I didn't have any ( I do now lol) but I thought how odd - So I knew George was around me trying to get my attention or send me messages. However, I kind of just kept moving on and forgot about it. So this week when Amanda's video popped up, I knew it was him connecting again for me to listen.

I'd have to say this video is in my top 5 youtube list of videos of all time. It was amazing. He talks so simple, rawly and natural explaining different loves, mostly Twin Flames and Soul Mates. I personally don't use the word Twins Flames anymore because I feel many online and Social media posts and people that don't hold the real sacred soul connection, but think they do, have ruined the true meaning of what real Twin Flames are, and it now sort of feels low vibrational energy around that label. However,  he was talking about couples with real authentic "Soul Shared" connections that on earth we often label as Twin Flame Energy,  and he explained the energy of these Twin Flames/ Soul connections perfectly to how I (and others) have always felt it.

I had no idea he was in a Twin connection himself, when on earth. He talked about him and his first partner Anselmo, the love of his life, and the deepest love,  they were twin flames. He went on to describe the power of that love so simply, the purity of it. And those pairs with it are coming together in pure unconditional love for each other and how that helps the planet.    It's quite rare. Pure it certainly is...  and powerful... the words he used to explain it, although simple, were just beautiful and I wish everyone experiencing this love here earth-side could listen to this. It was so incredibly cool!

Anyway, back in 1991 when they met the energies and consciousness on earth wasn’t  high enough he said to sustain such a high vibrational love together.  Not like now.  ( Although many Sacred Soul couples have been together in past lives, loving each other deeply, the full depth of their love and divine light wasn't experienced then, due to Earth's Ascension and vibrational  high consciousness now, these pairs have returned to show deeper pure unconditional love (as George  mentioned).

He also explained what it feels like when one is earth-side and one spirit side.

After writing our book Flying Without Wings I would often wonder if anyone could possibly understand what I was talking about when I explain going through life knowing your missing piece is on the other side (Spirit side). Connecting to them but not having them earth-side.  Some people think it's you connecting to your own higher self and you're not necessarily feeling them.  But it's not like that, you truly feel and hear your beloved, and you know it's them because when they are showing up and talking to you, they are doing it from who they will appear to be in the physical when they do incarnate and finally meet you.  You even hear their voice, see their appearance, and of course, know their energy.

They keep walking with you, guiding you and showing you things when they're in spirit - of the bigger plan....Then you feel that lightning bolt when you meet them ( which is what it's like) 

It's so interesting too because listening to George, he mentioned when you meet, its as if your soul knows (and it is that Lightning bolt moment) - but your ego kicks in and it's like a disconnect there, with the soul and ego. You can't quite piece it all together at that time with your mind, but you feel it. 

Hearing George’s words was amazing for me because I've never found anyone that relates or understands, who I could have a conversation with. Hearing Amanda explain George's words so simply, was beautiful. And just to hear him say things that I've been shown myself for this path and things I remember from the other side before coming in, was a buzz to hear.

It was like George was saying "don't ever doubt what you know, remember, and feel, to be true in every way, no matter how rare or unique it is, and don't ever doubt your heart and soul".

Another thing he talks about is how difficult people find it to open up their hearts because they are afraid.  If only we could all go deeper and not be afraid to open without fear and feel deep within our hearts while also opening to receive, yes he did say that R word as well, Receive.... It's something we all could be reminded of daily.

If you feel guided to check out this beautiful video with Amanda and George, I have added the link below for you. Her youtube channel is Amanda Ellis.

I hope you enjoyed the read :) 

Sending so much love <3 



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