….. A state of awareness and vibrational frequency. Which can be any state of vibrational frequency.

However, a higher state of consciousness is to be awakened to the things our eyes can’t always see. It’s to be awakened and have an awareness of being able to connect within to our soul and listen, feeling our heart opening, feeling it buzzing at the forefront deeply showing us how we feel. It’s an awareness of how to live from a higher vibrational field and a place of LOVE not FEAR.

Now we have different levels of consciousness and a 3rd dimensional level of consciousness is what we say to be unawakened, because when we are living this way we have been conditioned and programed to think, believe, create and act from a fear based reality.

When we shift gears into the 4th dimensional frequency we have now awakened but starting to still have that battle between our head and our heart, however, we have started to heal, look deep at our inner child wounds, our traumas, fears and start to see the patterns we cycle within. We are starting to really wake up and become aware of the things around us, the world, and of the conditioned paradigm we have been living in.  When this happens -- we start to “want” to heal.

We start to shed our trauma, heal our wounds, transcend our fears and discover how to live a better way of life.  We see how we have embedded our ego programing becoming stuck, and how that programming is so deeply rooted within our cellular structure needing to be released. So we start the journey of the process of healing, surrendering and letting go, and to do that we do need to face our fears, insecurities, doubts, lack of worthiness, self-judgements etc, working through these to heal and transform our life, living from a higher state of consciousness, happiness and fulfilment.

What can slow down the process is FEAR and staying in those “old cyclical conditions and patterns” and of course lack of self-love. Because, when we decide to wake up or have some “type of awakening” we usually find we do not love ourselves. It’s just as simple as that, as we have never been taught to. So the most important thing to a higher state of consciousness is going within and really doing that “self-love inner work”. 

When we have this battle between our head and our heart it’s because we might still be operating part from our ego in the 3D and part of us in the 4D. So until we can completely transcend those lower vibrational fears, insecurities, doubts etc,  we can’t fully step in to our 4th or 5th dimensional pure state of being.

When we go into our 5th dimensional state of consciousness, this is when we are really living from our pure heart and soul as our soul is pure love, so this is where we really have transcended all those lower negative emotions and traumas, and it’s not to say at times our ego won’t try to pop back in and activate us trying to send us back to that “old state”-- the old programming that was going on -- but by this stage we have an awareness of not going back there, and we can just simply whenever that thought comes in,  collapse that thought , that timeline, and say to the ego “no thankyou!!”

When we get to a place of releasing fears then we don’t fear outcomes or have expectations, we live from unconditional love internally. We fill ourselves up with that love first then it overflows out to others. We balance our masculine and feminine energies as best we can in every moment through just simply having the awareness.  

So stepping outside of what I call “the box,” which is the way humanity has been taught to live so we can remain controlled, we open our three eyes to see the illusion, yes our three eyes now. The third eye opens us up transporting our consciousness to what we would say as an awakened state.

Here we become more evolved and enlightened taking back our power living a life from unconditional love, self-love, a life of feeling fulfilled in peace and happiness, and coming from within. We see that human suffering comes from us being told and shown that everything we need comes from outside of us, but in fact, that’s a conditioned way, and that way only brings these lower negative vibrational patterns and creating from this produces a life from fear and “lack of” energies.

When we discover everything we need is within us we don’t need anything externally to fill our voids. Meaning other people and materialistic things to  love us, to make us feel better, to find love externally, instead of love internally. When we realise all this, then our magic begins and that’s when we start to really connect with our soul and unconditional love, our purpose/ divine contract and start to feel heaven on earth.

It does take time, however, those awakening on the planet now or moving higher in consciousness are doing so rapidly, they are accelerating at a fast pace because these higher energies along with a huge amount of higher divine helpers assisting, means they can move through the healing process much quicker, in some cases its instant. As those old energies have collapsed and no longer able to take hold anymore. The structures of the 3D paradigm have collapsed and continue to.

The new earth higher frequencies are helping many to awaken, it’s a global collective ascension happening on earth now.  My advice is to stay connected and in your own lane, don’t listen to others or judgements, listen to your heart deeply and your soul as they are in the driver’s seat now and they will show you if you feel and listen to what is being said. Your soul will always come from love and that higher vibration and will make you feel open. Your ego talking will feel dense, contracted, uncomfortable and empty, as it comes from fear.  Just let go and let it flow, surrender it to your higher self and ask for higher help. And remember, the most important is to be in your truth of who you really are…. to say okay this is me!!..... I’m different to everyone else…I’m unique and that’s awesome.

How one evolves and how fast may be different to another, what happens to another doesn’t mean it’s going to be the same for you,

So everybody will awaken and take their journey differently evolving in different ways and this is the beauty of ascension where we can all offer different ways to help, guide, love, transparency, truth, authenticity, to show the quicker path, to show what not to get dogged down and caught up in, by our ego mindset, and it’s just about being mindful and absolutely collapsing all those old mindsets and limiting beliefs. To be able to transcend all that through self-love and because of this I was guided by spirit to create and write my course -- Raise to Your Divine Self.  It has such a huge emphases on self-love, self-boundaries, worthiness, how to accept and forgive yourself, energy, all of those important things and much more, to get you to a place of self-love self-honour and to create from there. It’s about filing yourself up first, and this is what leads you to the higher state of awareness, into a loving blissful fulfilled peaceful life. 

This has just been a short explanation of consciousness hoping to have helped in some ways, however, a greater knowledge of reaching these higher levels of awareness, tools and achieving self-love and all above, plus understanding energy and the cosmos--- is all in Raise to Your Divine Self. If you are interested please check it out on my website giving you a very detailed description. It is an affordable downloadable course to do at your own leisure.


Much love everyone  

Kellie Lee


Lets unlock your soul!

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