WELCOME to this POWERFUL BOUNDARIES MEDITATION ACTIVATION helping you to implement STRONG Boundaries into your everyday life! Boundaries play an ESSENTIAL key in our SELF-LOVE, SPIRITUAL & WELLNESS JOURNEY.
In all areas of our life, they are a MAJOR KEY!!
THIS ACTIVATION BRINGS ALL AWARENESS OF "How to find where you need them" and "How to put them in place, for YOU!! (plus how to detect your people pleasing) If you already have boundaries in place - this will help you enforce and ANCHOR them more PROFOUNDLY as your default.
WE'VE BEEN TAUGHT WE DON'T NEED BOUNDARIES all our life and programmed to feel we can't have BOUNDARIES - SO WE DON'T CONSIDER THEM.
**Listen daily or a few times a week to this Activation (You can skip forward to the parts you feel need more attention as a daily practice).
Committing to this activation regularly will help lock in your boundaries as your new default.**After your purchase you'll receive an email to download file and you're good to go! - So please check your spam if you don't see it.
Enjoy Beautiful Souls <3
** If you have any problems with your purchase please email us at